OEM Curriculum - Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety Education and Research Center

OEM Curriculum

Faculty: Steve Kirkhorn MD, MPH, FACOEM – Program Director

General Requirements:
PubH 6751 Principles of Management in Health Services Organizations (2 cr) or PubH 6752 Public Health Management (3 cr)
PubH 6320 Fundamentals of Epidemiology (3 cr
PubH 6450 Biostatistics I (4 cr) or PubH 6414 Biostatistical Methods (3 cr)
PubH 6020 Fundamentals of Social and Behavioral Science (3 cr)
PubH 6741 Ethics in Public Health Professional Practice and Policy (1 cr) or PubH 6742 Ethics in Public Health Research and Policy (1 cr) (This course will meet the research ethics training obligation for students working as Research Assistants.)

Division Core Courses:
PubH 6103 Exposure to Environmental Hazards (2 cr)
PubH 6104 Environmental Health Effects: Introduction to Toxicology (2 cr)
PubH 6105 Environmental and Occupational Health Policy (2 cr)
PubH 7194 Environmental and Occupational Health Masters Project (3 – 5 cr)
PubH 7196 Field Experience in Environmental Health (4 – 5 cr)

Specialty Program Course Requirements:
PubH 6120 Injury Prevention in the Workplace, Community, and Home (2 cr)
PubH 6130 Occupational Medicine: Principles and Practice (3 cr)
PubH 6140 Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology (2 cr)
PubH 6150 Interdisciplinary Evaluation of OH & S Field Problems (3 cr)
PubH 6170 Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety (3 cr)
PubH 6173 Exposure to Physical Agents (2 cr)
PubH 6387 Cancer Epi (2 cr)
PubH 7200 Ergonomics (1 cr) May Institute Course
PubH 7200 Principles of Infectious Disease Epi (1 cr)-May Institute Course
PubH 8120 Occupational Safety and Health Research Seminar (1 cr)


Credits are listed in ( ).